- ホーム
- ドライブをより盛り上げるオシャレなドライビンググローブの魅力
ドライビンググローブは運転する際に装着する手袋です。 皆さんは運転中に手に汗をかき、ハンドル捌きが滑った経験がありませんか? ドライビンググローブは手の汗を吸収してハンドルが滑りるのを防ぐので、特に長時間運転することが多いドライバーにはおすすめで快適なアイテムとなっています。 他にも様々な機能的なメリットがありますが、それだけがドライビンググローブの魅力ではないのです。 オシャレとしてもドライブを彩ってくれる。そんな一面もドライビンググローブの魅力なのです。 そこで、今回はそんなドライビンググローブの魅力と実際にCACAZAN(カカザン)のおすすめのオシャレなグローブついて詳しく紹介していきます。 ぜひ参考にしてみてください。
Stylish Driving Gloves Enhance Your Driving Experience
Driving gloves are gloves worn when driving. Have you ever experienced sweaty hands and slipping on the steering wheel while driving? Driving gloves absorb sweat from the hands and prevent the steering wheel from slipping, making them a comfortable item, especially for drivers who often drive for long periods of time. There are various other functional benefits, but these are not the only attractions of driving gloves. They also add color to driving as a fashionable accessory. This aspect of driving gloves is also their appeal. So, in this issue, we will introduce in detail the appeal of such driving gloves and the fashionable gloves that we actually recommend from CACAZAN. Please take a look at them for reference.
ドライビンググローブはただ単にオシャレというだけでなく、手汗を吸収するという役割もあるのです。長い時間運転していると、どうしても汗をかいてしまい、ハンドル操作がしにくくなるといった経験をした方も多いのではないでしょうか? もしかしたら、そのハンドル操作がしにくくなったことにより、事故が起きるかもしれません。 そんな危険性やリストを回避して、スムーズなハンドリングでドライブためにも、ドライビンググローブを使うことがおすすめです。
ドライビンググローブの中には、腕まで覆うタイプもあります。 運転して、晴れの日など意外と日差しが強いなと思ったことはありませんか? ハンドルを握っている手は時に、そんな直射日光を浴びることが多く、紫外線を多く受けています。 そんな紫外線をカットして日焼けを避けるという点からもおすすめです。 男性と女性の性別、老若男女年齢にかかわらず、運転中の日焼けが気になる方は身に着けたほうがいいでしょう。
Reasons why We Recommend Driving Gloves
Why do we recommend driving gloves in the first place? First, let us introduce the functional benefits.
Advantage 1 of Driving Gloves: Absorbs hand sweat to prevent slipping on the steering wheel
Driving gloves are not only fashionable, but also absorb hand sweat. Many of you may have experienced that after driving for a long time, you inevitably sweat, making it difficult to operate the steering wheel. Perhaps that difficulty in operating the steering wheel may cause an accident. In order to avoid such dangers and lists and to drive with smooth handling, it is recommended to use driving gloves.
Advantage 2 of Driving Gloves: Driving gloves cut ultraviolet rays and protect hands from sunburn
Some driving gloves cover the arms. Have you ever driven in the sun on a sunny day and felt that the sun's rays are unexpectedly strong? Hands holding the steering wheel are often exposed to such direct sunlight and receive a lot of ultraviolet rays. We recommend this product in terms of cutting such ultraviolet rays and avoiding sunburn. Regardless of gender, male or female, young or old, and regardless of age, those who are concerned about sunburn while driving should wear them.
ドライビンググローブは運転を支えてくれる機能性だけではなく、ファッションアイテムとしても注目できます。服装に合うグローブを選んでみたり、グローブ単体でもおしゃれなデザインのものを探したりと運転以外の楽しみも増えます。 あなたのお気に入りのグローブが見つかれば、ドライブしている最中の気分も盛り上がることでしょう。いろいろなグローブを比較しながら、お気に入りのアイテムになるように選んでみてください。
機能面はもちろんですが、単刀直入にオシャレであり、かっこいいです。 想像してみてください。ドライビンググローブを付けて優雅にドライブをする。とても素敵じゃないですか? 指ぬきタイプは身につけているだけで、まるでプロのレーサーのになったかのような気持ちになれます。 そして、指先まで覆われているタイプは、とても気品が溢れる印象が持てます。 毎日のいつも通りの運転も、ドライビンググローブがあるだけで、さらに楽しみになること間違いないでしょう。 日本で機能性も高く、デザイン面もこだわるのでしたら、CACAZAN(カカザン)がおすすめです。 オーダーメイドもお作りしていますので、ぜひ、あなただけの世界に一つだけでオリジナルのドライビンググローブを手に入れましょう。
The Appeal of Stylish Driving Gloves that Make Driving Fun
Driving gloves are not only functional, but also have an appeal that makes you love driving itself even more.
Attractiveness of fashionable driving gloves 1: They even make you more excited to drive
Driving gloves are not only functional to support driving, but also a fashion item. You can also have fun outside of driving by choosing a glove that matches your outfit or by looking for a glove with a stylish design by itself. Once you find your favorite glove, you will feel more excited while driving. Please compare various gloves and try to choose the one that will become your favorite item.
Attractiveness of fashionable driving gloves 2: They are also fashionable.
Functional, of course, but they are also singularly fashionable and cool. Imagine this. Driving elegantly with driving gloves on. Isn't it very nice? Just by wearing a thimble type glove, you can feel as if you are a professional racer. And the thimble type, which covers even the fingertips, gives the impression of being full of elegance. Driving everyday as usual will surely become more enjoyable with these driving gloves. If you are looking for a highly functional and well-designed glove in Japan, we recommend CACAZAN. We also offer custom-made gloves, so you can get your very own, one-of-a-kind, original driving glove.
こちらではCACAZAN(カカザン)がひとつひとつハンドメイドで製作しているこだわりのドライビンググローブをご紹介します。 すべての製品にこだわりよ思い入れがありるのですが、今回はその中から、10品厳選して皆さんにおすすめします。 ぜひ、あなたのお気に入りを見つけて、ドライブをオシャレにお楽しみください。
Introduction of Fashionable Driving Gloves
Here, we would like to introduce you to CACAZAN's handmade driving gloves, one by one. We are very particular about all of our products, and we have carefully selected 10 of them to recommend to you this time. Please find your favorite and enjoy your driving in style.
Stylish driving glove #1

Simple driving glove with few stitches.
Stylish driving glove #2

The material used is CACAZAN's original deerskin. The back side is laminated with Cupra, a glove exclusive to CACAZAN, which has excellent moisture absorption and desorption properties, for a comfortable fit that lasts.
Stylish driving glove #3

The DDR-04 series features CACAZAN's original pattern with seamless palm side, which allows you to feel road information transmitted from the handlebars more directly by reducing discomfort at the seams.
Stylish driving glove #4

Driving glove with a sporty design that incorporates a large zipper on the instep side. The palm side adopts CACAZAN's original seamless pattern similar to the DDR-04 model, and is further reinforced with a reinforcing tape to enhance durability.
Stylish driving glove #5

These driving gloves employ a three-dimensional sewing pattern developed through the production of sports gloves. The three-dimensional sewing pattern allows the glove to fit along the hand.
Stylish driving glove #6

A full-finger model of the popular knit driving glove with a classic design. Featuring excellent breathability and a soft hand feel, these gloves are expected to be especially useful for people with sweaty hands and in summer.
Stylish driving glove #7
チェッカーフラッグをイメージしたデザインのドライビンググローブ。パターンはDDR-07シリーズと同じ立体縫製で仕上げており、手に沿うようなフィット感を持たせています。 手口を細めに仕上げていますで、装着時、少し窮屈でも伸ばしながら手を入れるようにして下さい。
Driving glove with checkered flag-inspired design. The pattern is finished with the same three-dimensional sewing as the DDR-07 series, giving it a fit that follows the hand. The hand opening is finished narrow, so when wearing, even if it is a little tight, try to put your hand in while stretching it.
Stylish driving glove #8

Full-finger driving glove with a classic design made of perforated mesh. The three-dimensional sewing pattern is finished with three-dimensional sewing for a fit that follows the hand.
Stylish driving glove #9

Full-finger type driving gloves with three-dimensional sewing pattern.
Stylish driving glove #10
Full finger driving gloves inspired by dress gloves. They can be worn with a suit style without discomfort.
いかがでしたか?今回は機能面だけじゃないドライビンググローブの魅力についてご紹介しました。 ドライブを快適にする機能性だけのメリットだけではなくて、オシャレをワンポイントアイテムとしても、あなたのドライブを盛り上げてくれます。 ぜひ、CACAZAN(カカザン)でお気に入りのドライビンググローブを見つけていただき、ドライブに出かけましょう。
Summary of the Appeal of Fashionable Driving Gloves that Make Driving More Exciting
How was it? In this issue, we introduced the appeal of driving gloves that goes beyond functionality. It is not only a functional benefit that makes driving comfortable, but also a fashionable one-point item that will liven up your drive. We invite you to find your favorite driving glove at CACAZAN and go for a drive.